Monday 15 April 2013

"Kwai Me a River"

Kwaicore music has been unrealeased and impossible to find because it’s an underground freestyle music genre. The music is made at the secret parties. No one except for the artist has any of the music. It’s more fun that way.

People have been getting upset because I spoke about their video without any smiley faces. I’m sorry. You expect to be shown this unreleased Kwaicore music but instead you’re left thinking, “and then?”

That doesn’t get a smiley face.

Sentences. Too. Long.
In amongst many attempts at breaking my heart, this was said:
“Given the level of substance deemed appealing, it comes as no surprise that short sentences and limited content are more appealing than anything even remotely intellectual.”

So I went onto his blog and the first thing that came up was this:
“Peoples attention spans are notoriously short. So short that I have to limit the length of my sentences so as not to lose interest. So short that more and more often people with normal, fully functioning brains are self prescribing Ritalin before exams so as to remain focused… I've already taken two breaks on this paragraph alone. So how do we keep them interested in Kwaicore when the only thing we've really got going for it is what I have to say?”

If you managed to read either of the quotes till the end without dying, you are my new hero. Even he had to take a break.

I’m very happy for the girl whose “blog is hot on [my] tale”, I’m also impressed that you used “impertinent” after spelling “tale” wrong.

This blog is, however, about Kwaicore and is not an English Revision blog.

There are a lot of angry people out there.
You guys should get together and make a hardcore band.

“Shut up unless you can do it better. Thanks.”

PS: In case anyone does need an English Revision blog

            Here's a blog for any angry people looking to get angrier


  1. Now that right there, is worth a re-blog.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Grow up kid. I'd suggest you re-read my blog. I used shorter words and fewer syllables, try and keep up this time ;)

  4. You used Down-Syndrome as an insult.

  5. Where's the link to the video? Do you have any sound clips?

    1. Checks my posts, a link for music is up.

  6. Here I was thinking this guys blog was some how relevant to Kwaicore. You can imagine my disappointment when I realised it was a big boy with baby dick problems. Sorry for posting this on your blog, but I would much rather your blog gets the attention.

  7. "Baby dick problems"? Wow. Are four letter insults truly as creative as you can get? I remember when I was in grade four and laughing at peoples weiners was considered a clever insult :D. So congrats for that, you officially have the talents of a 10 year old. You can imagine my disappointment when I realized that nobody associated with this blog is capable of maintaining an intellectual argument.

  8. Dearest Siobhan Heiber,

    As a Law student at UCT, I must say I am astonished at the sheer lack of ingenuity on your part that has manifest itself in such a sad attempt at marring the originality of the Durban Vega students. Furthermore, as regrettable intellectual snob, I have learnt that one cannot open themselves up to the line of fire and expect to go unnoticed; therefore you would do best not to open the proverbial can of worms if you cannot muster up the courage and intellect to respond adequately to your critics.

    The field of copywriting is one that is best suited to dynamic, creative human beings that can use their words in an original manner and best represent their brand. All you've done is created a misrepresentation of the discipline, the reputation of Creatives is poor enough without you adding insult to injury. Whilst Kwaicore may not be real, to my understanding it is a brand that represents unifying different elements harmoniously and brings together people that are polar opposites which your insipid attempt has failed to do. You my dear, have misunderstood the brief which will reflect in the mark you end up receiving and for that reason you have my sympathy.

    Perhaps your boarish tendencies would be more suited to a career in agriculture? I'm sure you and the swines would get along famously, given your similarities.

    1. The gavel pounds, the sharp 'CLACK' resonating in the courtroom and nailing silence into the wooden faces of those present. "Have you reached a decision?" the Judge intones from atop his perch. The jury nods their collective head sagely, murmers of agreement rippling through the assembled masses. "It's decided," the first jury member begins, standing and gesturing to Law Student From UCT. "This guy is a douchewizard."

  9. Stay dench Shivers

  10. Your name is really not the significant issue here but please do educate me and the rest of your critics, as to what exactly in your opinion is Kwaicore?

  11. #kwaicoreRules #iLoveSiobhaun #sheLovesMe #weAHappyFamily #andYouNotInvited (because)#youGotASmallDick #passwordsOnly #kwaicore #DeepTown #halfPriceTuesdays #halfPriceYourMom #myOtherRideIsYourSister

  12. #V-isForVirgin
