Wednesday 3 April 2013

We call it Kwaicore?

I was watching some things on YouTube and I came across a video called, "We call it Kwaicore".

Here are some things I noticed.
  1. They don't show you what Kwaicore is.
  2. They don't play any of the music.
  3. They don't actually know what it is.
Why would you make a video about Kwaicore if you dont know what it is?

You go through the torture of watching the entire video in the hopes that at the end they'll play an actual song- they don't. You sit through 2:29 minutes of awkward dancing and even more awkward head banging without even getting a glimpse of what they think Kwaicore is.

Here's the info-packed video: "We Call It Kwaicore"


  1. That video didn't even play any Kwaicore music :/

  2. wow, so the way to get ahead is to put others down. I'd like to see you play some "kwaicore" music, i dont see u making that kind of effort. that girls blog is hot on your tale so watch out you impertinent oaf.

  3. iv looked all over your site and i agree with the above, you haven't really given what you criticized other people for not having.
    i see no video, you don't have links to what the music sounds like and haven't really describe it either. so maybe you can tell us what kwaicore is since you are so fast to judge others. Or is this just a way of taking the heat off you? because to be honest ,i don't think you know anything.

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  5. So let's see, you expect them to include music that we all know doesn't exist? Were we supposed to create hype or literally create the music? REAL smart, genius. I can't help but notice your lack of content either. Maybe you should focus on your own shortcomings and lack of anything even remotely resembling substance rather than ripping other peoples attempts at actually doing something worthwhile. Let's face it. Your blogposts (or lack thereof) are at best laughable. You have the writing capabilities akin to that of the average twelve year old and the fact that you feel the need to point out others shortcomings serves only to illustrate a feeble attempt at hiding your own shortcomings. How about you actually share something of value rather than focus on what other people are doing? You criticize others yet provide nothing yourself. Shut up unless you can do better. Thanks.

  6. So I got bored reading that last post. Dude, your sentences are way too long. Seriously, just because you used the words "shortcomings" and "capabilities" doesn't make you a "REAL smart, genius". Please man, calm down. This ain't no fight to the death.

  7. oh, kwai me a river, man.

  8. Of course you got bored. I wouldn't expect you to have the mental capabilities required to concentrate on a sentence for more than ten seconds. Given the level of substance deemed appealing, it comes as no surprise that short sentences and limited content are considered more appealing than anything even remotely intellectual. True, big words don't necessarily make you smart, but it's impossible not to feel smart when the level of competition could be mistaken for primary school children. Don't personally attack other peoples work and expect it not to get heated. "Kwai me a river". Wow. I am indeed mortally offended by that original comeback. Glad to know the maturity levels here match the intellectual ones.

  9. Like I said, there are lots of Hardcore bands looking for a lead singer.

  10. This has been entertaining.

  11. I am also genuinely interested in all these awards and prizes?

  12. No one is "winning" anymore more kids, links no longer matter- our marks are now solemnly based on content ... just thought i'd put that out there :) But carry on, all this bitching is hilarious.

  13. The first blog still gets 85% dumbass !!! It doesn't matter if you've got 1 post containing a full stop. You win if you're on top ! And from then-on we are marked content wise. And by the way why do you have to get a prize to win ? Isn't winning based on the fact that you beat everyone else to the top ? Just to say you did .... I guess you're just 1 of those kids who will always lose .... Shame !

    Oh I just farted.

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  16. Dearest Priankhar.
    Firstly, believe me when I say that if I went "all out", each one of you incompetent, unbelievably immature fucktards would give up writing and pursue a career in humanities or something more suited to helping fellow victims of verbal abuse. Secondly, I'd advise against bringing politics into any debate unless you're capable of maintaining a healthy, intellectual argument which, judging by your obvious lack of anything remotely resembling talent, you can't. Let's be honest, your arguments are all invalid and your writing skills second only to my three year old sister. Why one would get involved in a debate wherein they're so hopelessly outclassed is truly beyond me. Here's a word of advice. Sit down, shut up and carry on with your sad excuse of a life- there is no possible way that this can end well for you. Unfortunately, you childish imbeciles have made this assignment far more than just blogging when you decided to personally attack your competition. Like I said, don't attack other peoples work and expect things not to get personal. So put your tampon back in or sit on a hosepipe and switch it on- whatever tickles your fancy and keeps your hormones in check. I've already achieved more than you can ever hope to in your pathetic, miserable excuse for a life. The fact that your best chances of getting attention needs to involve defacing others serves only to illustrate exactly how desperate you are. Over 1000 views and counting rapidly is proof that talent always triumphs stupidity- something which I'm extremely sorry to inform you. So I highly recommend you stop acting like the average 12 year old cyber bully pretending he's a doctor of physics on Youtube videos, put the lotion and wet wipes away and focus on something more worth your time. I'd be glad to research English tutors in your location- let me know if you're interested. Peace out homie ;)

  17. Ever encountered someone so hopelessly stupid that you just shake your head and sigh?

  18. I see a few trolls have found your site, my dear... Welcome to the world of blogging. Chin up.

  19. Perhaps YOU should consider politics, as you have successfully managed to use a lot words to say nothing, but keep promoting this blog. Also, the primary school insult is getting a little old, try come up with some new shit. Take your time :)

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