Thursday 21 March 2013

Kwaicore: A Definition

Kwaito + Hardcore = Kwaicore

You don't have to be a maths boff to understand the equation. Someone had the crazy idea of taking Kwaito (men in funny hats and cool All Stars) and Hardcore (screaming angry men on awesome guitars) and and mixing them together to create a new genre. Creating men in funny hats playing awesome guitars. It's the guitar riffs and the big bass. The pulsating beats of Kwaito and the throat-roaring of Hardcore.

People get together in secret locations every month to listen to it. None of the music has been released. It isn't available anywhere except in these secret events. This might be your only chance to find out what it really is.

Kwaicore is an underground music culture that only the elite few from inner-city Joburg and surroundings know about. Until now.

It's gone public, and it's going to be bigger than you think. This is because all of a sudden a lot of people have started claiming that they know what Kwaicore is. Rather you knew about it from the originals (to avoid stitch-inducing dance moves and embarrassment, y'know).

Some people are part of the underground culture; they sleep, eat, and breathe it.
They'd rather you know it for what it really is and not for some college kids with a project.

I am one of them.

This blog is dedicated to true Kwaicore culture.