Friday 19 April 2013

Do's and Don'ts of Kwaicore Culture

So, now you know the basics of Kwaicore.

Let's say you find the secret party and decide it's time to try it out. There are some things that newbies need to know before even attempting to go to a Kwaicore party.

Firstly, the DON'TS:

  • No fist-pumping.
  • No mullets (sorry peeps from the South).
  • No high-heels, this isn't Fourways.
  • No dwelms (drugs).
  • No fighting (the music is made to bring peeps together, not show off testosterone levels).
  • No pussy-pockets (mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini skirts/shorts).
  • Don't be scared away by piercings and odd fashions.
Now, the DO'S:
  • Dance your face off.
  • Get krunktastic.
  • Meet new people.
  • Dig the music.

These parties are a place where people can listen to the music, meet new people, and feel like a part of something. 
These parties are not for breeding, if you know what I mean.

So there, if you do manage to find the venue (WELL DONE TO YOU) now you won't look like a fool.